Thursday, January 3, 2013

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Locales Entertainment is pleased to bring you the Double Grand Prix DH 2013. This is a series of downhill competitions in two radical tracks known as Formula 1 and Formula 2. Formula 1 will be held at the Lago Cerrillo Downhill road in the Southern City of Ponce, while the Formula 2 races will be held at the El Guama Downhill road in the Northern city of Hatillo. These races will take place immediately after the Guajataca Downhill 2013 races which occur 25 to 27 January 2013 in the NW town of Quebradillas. We expect the attendance of more than 12 countries and a large number of local pros going head-to-head on these two new tracks.
Locales Entertainment is pleased to bring you the Double Grand Prix DH 2013. This is a series of downhill competitions in two radical tracks known as Formula 1 and Formula 2. Formula 1 will be held at the Lago Cerrillo Downhill road in the Southern City of Ponce, while the Formula 2 races will be held at the El Guama Downhill road in the Northern city of Hatillo. These races will take place immediately after the Guajataca Downhill 2013 races which occur 25 to 27 January 2013 in the NW town of Quebradillas. We expect the attendance of more than 12 countries and a large number of local pros going head-to-head on these two new tracks. The race heats will hold between 4 to 8 competitors, with racers identified by colored armbands and a simple point?s elimination process will be used. All racers will be required tThe race heats will hold between 4 to 8 competitors, with racers identified by colored armbands and a simple point?s elimination process will be used. All racers will be required to use all safety equipment, full face helmet, leather suit or knee-elbow pads, and gloves. These DH races are endorsed by the Puerto Rico Department of Sports and Recreation. A more detailed description of these races follows:

Formula 1: El Lago Cerrillo Downhill is to be held at the Maraguez neighborhood on State Road # 139 in Ponce, the Island?s Southernmost City. This track consists of 12 curves, 5 of which are tight curves. This track develops speeds of around 50 mph for 3 (three) minutes and thirty (30) seconds of descent aprox. This route has wide lanes which allow 4 to 8 competitors at a time to maneuver comfortably. This road has no neighbors in this area. We expect a robust attendance of all International and local competitors. Ponce?s City Hall is fully commitment to this event and intends to make it an annual event following the GDH annual races.
Locales Entertainment is pleased to bring you the Double Grand Prix DH 2013. This is a series of downhill competitions in two radical tracks known as Formula 1 and Formula 2. Formula 1 will be held at the Lago Cerrillo Downhill road in the Southern City of Ponce, while the Formula 2 races will be held at the El Guama Downhill road in the Northern city of Hatillo. These races will take place immediately after the Guajataca Downhill 2013 races which occur 25 to 27 January 2013 in the NW town of Quebradillas. We expect the attendance of more than 12 countries and a large number of local pros going head-to-head on these two new tracks. The race heats will hold between 4 to 8 competitors, with racers identified by colored armbands and a simple point?s elimination process will be used. All racers will be required tRace Day, FORMULA 1: El Lago Cerrillo DH ? Wednesday, January 30, 2013 from 7:30 am to 6pm State Road # 139, Maraguez (Cerrillo Lake), City of Ponce.

Formula 1Schedule: Equipment Inspection and competitors meeting at 7:30am, Practice runs 8:30am to 9:30am. Competition starts at 10am, end at 5pm, awards presentation from 5:30pm to 6pm.

Formula 1 Prizes: Total $2,000 in cash plus DH products for all categories ? Open DH: $1,000 in prize money split down to the 4th place; Junior II DH: $400 split down to the 4th. place; Master DH: $300 prize to the 4th. place; Women DH: $300 split down to the 4th. place; Sliding: $100 cash prize for 1st place only in Men?s and Women?s and Junior I with DH products awarded down to the 4th. places. The awards could increase by the time of the races.

Categories and slots: Junior I DH (Boys and girls, ages 7 to 13 years), Women DH (All ages), Masters DH (+30 years), Junior II DH (14 to 17 years), Open DH (All ages) and Sliding (All ages, both sexes). The open slots in all categories will depend on the number of participants by each category and may be shifted, depending on turn-out.

Formula 2: El Guama Downhill will be held in the Barrio Capaez neighborhood on State Road # 130 in the NW city of Hatillo (the dairy capital of Puerto Rico). This track consists of three curves; two of of which are difficult curves at high speeds. This track develops speeds of around 45 mph or more, with a 1 (one) minute and thirty (30) seconds descent. This route has smooth asphalt and wide lanes that can easily accommodate 4 to 6 competitors at the same time; this event will be the second tournament on this race course. We expect the same attendance of competitors from the GDH and the Formula 1 events. We have the commitment of the Hatillo?s Municipal Administration to make this an annual event as well.Locales Entertainment is pleased to bring you the Double Grand Prix DH 2013. This is a series of downhill competitions in two radical tracks known as Formula 1 and Formula 2. Formula 1 will be held at the Lago Cerrillo Downhill road in the Southern City of Ponce, while the Formula 2 races will be held at the El Guama Downhill road in the Northern city of Hatillo. These races will take place immediately after the Guajataca Downhill 2013 races which occur 25 to 27 January 2013 in the NW town of Quebradillas. We expect the attendance of more than 12 countries and a large number of local pros going head-to-head on these two new tracks. The race heats will hold between 4 to 8 competitors, with racers identified by colored armbands and a simple point?s elimination process will be used. All racers will be required tLocales Entertainment is pleased to bring you the Double Grand Prix DH 2013. This is a series of downhill competitions in two radical tracks known as Formula 1 and Formula 2. Formula 1 will be held at the Lago Cerrillo Downhill road in the Southern City of Ponce, while the Formula 2 races will be held at the El Guama Downhill road in the Northern city of Hatillo. These races will take place immediately after the Guajataca Downhill 2013 races which occur 25 to 27 January 2013 in the NW town of Quebradillas. We expect the attendance of more than 12 countries and a large number of local pros going head-to-head on these two new tracks. The race heats will hold between 4 to 8 competitors, with racers identified by colored armbands and a simple point?s elimination process will be used. All racers will be required tFORMULA 2, Competition Day: El Guama DH ? Sunday, February 3, 2013 from 7:30 am to 6pm, State Road # 130, Barrio Capaez, City of Hatillo.

Formula 2 Schedule: Equipment Inspection and competitors meeting at 7:30 am, Practice runs from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Competition starts at 10am until 5pm, awards presentation from 5:30 pm to 6pm.

Formula 2 Prizes: $3,000 in cash and Dh products ? Open DH: $1,200 ? to be awarded down to the 4th. place; Junior II DH: $800 be awarded down to the 4th. place; Master DH: $400 be awarded down to the 4th. place; Women DH: $400 be awarded down to the 4th. place; Sliding: $100 prizes for 1st. Men?s, 1st. Women?s and 1st. Junior I with DH products awarded down to the 4th place.
Categories and slots: Junior I DH (Boys and girls, 7 to 13 years) ? 12 slots; Women DH (All ages) ? 12 slots; Masters DH (+30 years) ? 12 slots; Junior II DH (14 years to 17 years) ? 48 slots; Open DH (All ages) ? 48 slots; and Sliding (All ages, both sexes) ? 30 slots total. Slots in all categories will depend on participant turn-out by category, and may be shifted accordingly.

Cost for both events: Open DH $80, Junior II DH $80, Master DH $50, Women DH $50, Sliding $40, Junior I DH (boys & Girls) $30, prices are by category and includes registration for both events: El Lago Cerrillo DH and El Guama DH. Registration for 2 (two) categories: $100 and registration for 3 (three) categories:$120. No refunds unless incidental evidence is presented justifying the absence. Entry fees includes: T-shirt of the Formula 1 and Formula 2 events.

Deadline to register and pay:
Friday, 18 January 2013, after this date an additional $30 charge applies. Registration will not be accepted after Monday, January 28, 2013.

Method of payment: Through PayPal account ? Double Grand Prix DH Ruben Gomez. Send an e-mail message to with full name, categories to enter, and shirt size to receive registration payment details.

Legal Letters: Letters for Education, Employment, Visa/Passport purposes for competitors will be sent by email. These documents will be sent to competitors who need to get released from their school, colleges and/or work, free of charge. Letters for visa or passport purposes will be expedited for processing of passports, but they incur an additional $30 to cover shipping costs.
Press Conference, Late Registration, and Equipment Inspection for the Double Grand Prix DH 2013:

Will be held at the Activities Hall in Punta Maracayo Hotel and Camping Area in the city of Hatillo, on Monday, 28 January 2013 at 1pm to 4pm. Mandatory attendance for all athletes. We will brief the rules, prizes, and race details; this will be the last day for registrations and equipment inspections will be held for all registered racers (suits or elbow pads, knee pads, full face helmets, skates, etc.).

Prohibited during the races: Free Riders, street vendors or beach coolers.

El Guama DH 2012 Results:

Open DH: Jomar Guzm?n ? Puerto Rico
Junior II: Naseem Riquelme ? Puerto Rico
Women DH: Charlie Diagneault ? Canada
Master: Alexis (El Troll) Rivera ? Puerto Rico
Junior I: Guillermo Villanueva ? Puerto Rico
Sliding: Alexis Rivera ? Puerto Rico
Worst Wipeout: Tomas Lugo ? Puerto Rico

Sponsors (so far, as of the date of this release):

Puerto Rico Departament of Recreation and Sports, The City of Ponce, The City of Hatillo, El Nuevo D?a Newspaper, MundoRad TV, We All Ride, and X100.7 FM Radio.

El Guama DH Fest (after parties): to be held at several locations; GBaby, GSeven, Cyborg y Liuko (more party details at welcome brief)

More Info or inscriptions:
Facebook: Double Grand Prix DH 2013

Produced by: Locales Entertainment


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