Thursday, June 28, 2012

Appetite suppressing tips and tactics | Bodybuilding, Supplements ...

There are certain substances that work as diet or appetite suppressants. These substances are generally chemical in nature and serve to suppress untimely and unnecessary craving for food. These appetite suppressants are also referred to as anorexics wherein ?an? means without and ?orexi? means appetite.


Anorexics or appetite suppressants are the dietary supplements or drugs that reduce your appetite. People generally resort to these appetite suppressants when they are gaining weight.

If they reduce their desire to eat, the tendency to gain weight also reduces. Thus, appetite suppressants can be instrumental in reducing obesity or excessive weight.


Though there is a perfect and scientific rationale behind appetite suppressants or anorexics, there are a certain hidden facts about these chemical diet suppressing agents which you must be aware of, before deciding upon their consumption. Some of the important facts about appetite suppressants are as follows:


Diet suppressants are not very effective in their supposed impact on the human body.

These diet suppressants may helps you reduce weight, but to a very minimal level. For example, if your weight is approximately 200 pounds and if you consume appetite suppressants, you may lose 10-20 pounds of weight. You should not expect a noticeable difference in your weight when you resort to appetite suppressants to reduce your body weight.

Appetite suppressants are chemical substance and as such, these anorexics may cause several side effects to your body. You are recommended to consume these appetite suppressants only if your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMI) exceeds 30.


These appetite suppressants may also lead to hemorrhagic strokes.

The most common after effects of appetite suppressants include insomnia, nervousness and restlessness. You may also suffer from abnormal levels of blood pressure.


These appetite suppressants may also cause pulmonary hypertension and thereby lead to several cardiovascular ailments.


When you use these appetite suppressants regularly, you run the risk of getting addicted to them.

This can have a profound negative impact on your health in the long run.


As you can see, appetite suppressants are not all that they are cut out to be. If you can lose weight without using them, you?ll be doing yourself a big favor.


The best way to reduce weight is to eat less. Eat smaller meals at frequent intervals (every 2 to 3 hours). You must follow a regular fitness regime to burn extra calories. You may also resort to negative or zero calorie diet foods in order to reduce your body weight.

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