Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spotlight: Home-Based Business Owners | Sheboygan County ...

Did you know that there are more than 80 home-based business members in the Sheboygan County Chamber network? One of the many reasons professionals join a chamber of commerce is to network with other local businesses and build relationships that serve to stimulate our own business. Those businesses that host monthly Chamber networking events gain the added benefit of exposure and familiarity with the people, facility and location of their organization.

Hosting a Chamber networking event is difficult to impossible for a home-based business owner. But think of the exposure and recognition that would be yours if you were able to host an event that might draw the same type of attendance as our office, retail and manufacturing brethren enjoy.

Our idea is to create a home-based business networking event for the Sheboygan County Chamber membership. Those home-based businesses willing to share the costs of the venue, food and drink for the evening would be exposed together in an exhibit format where each host would have a table to present their marketing materials highlighting their product or service. Guests would be encouraged to visit every table of the hosts, perhaps with the use of a card marking those tables visited, which could be used to win prizes for guest participation. In this way, host networking would be enhanced, giving all of us the chance to show that our home-based business is relevant and helpful to the community. Think also of the attendance that could be generated if hosts invite people from their individual contact lists, to come together to network with other home-based business owners they might not be aware of in the community.

If you?re looking for a new and inexpensive marketing event in 2012, please let us know if you?d like to learn more about how you can participate in this type of Home-Based Business After Hours event. Please email Jerry Baltus from the Sheboygan County Chamber Business Assistance committee at your interest to participate. Jerry can also assist you in entering the Chamber structured networking program Deep Dive 1.5.


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