Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Pinterest Adds Ability To Block And Report Other Users To Keep Site ?Positive And Respectful?

pinterestPinterest is generally known as a place where a mostly female user base gathers to share images and videos of shiny happy things such as cute animals, pretty clothing, and tasty recipes. But in any community that consists of millions of people, some bad apples are going to turn up. So today, Pinterest announced new features to let people block other users and report bad activity on the site. Users can now flag specific pins, or report entire user profiles.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Turning on a dime - Blogs -

Turning on a dime

Originally posted Oct. 9, 2012, at Country Preacher?s Corner. Republished with permission of the author.

Yesterday I received word that a member of my congregation was not expected to live through the day. The family asked if I could get down to the hospital in Bellville to be with them for a while. I told them I would get down there after a morning appointment I had scheduled.

I had seen this member the previous day in the nursing home, and she wasn?t doing well. For those who read this blog regularly, this was the woman who suffered the massive stroke in July 2011. I?ve blogged about many of the miraculous things that had happened in her recovery, but now she was in rapidly failing health. Her color was terrible. She hadn?t eaten in the last three days. She was hardly able to open her eyes or raise her hand. I talked with her husband some, and we prayed there beside her bed.

Yesterday morning, she bottomed out. The nursing home rushed her to the hospital just a couple of blocks up the road. The only thing that had kept her alive up to this point was her pacemaker. Without it, she would have been gone. In the emergency room, they started an IV. They gave her some antibiotics for a kidney infection diagnosed from her blood work. As the medicine and fluids entered her body, she perked up.

By the time I arrived, she was responsive. She was looking around at everyone. She would answer ?yes? and ?no? to questions. She could acknowledge that she was in pain. She did not look like someone who was about to die. In fact, I made no bones about telling the family what I thought.

You see, I have walked with people through the end of life process a lot. I know the cycle of death. I?ve watched people?s bodies shut down. They slip into a coma. Their breathing slowly declines until it stops. This woman wasn?t in a coma. Her breathing wasn?t slowing down. Instead of looking like she was getting weaker, it looked like she was getting stronger. It didn?t seem possible she was dying at this moment. I thought she was dehydrated (confirmed by the fact they had to put the IV in her leg), and that the fluids would make a major difference.

Confident that she would be around for a while, I decided to get some lunch with my wife and son who had just finished day school. I told the family I would be back, and I added, ?I just don?t think she?s dying. She doesn?t look like it. That doesn?t mean things couldn?t turn on a dime, but she isn?t acting like anyone I?ve seen go through the process of death.?

I enjoyed pizza with my wife and son. They headed home. I headed back to the hospital.

I was greeted by a sobbing family. The woman had died not a minute before I walked into the room. The nurse was checking her heart as I walked in.

It was quite shocking for many of us. Unfortunately, my words had been a harbinger. Things had turned on a dime.

It had been a while since I was in the room as someone had died and I had to deal with the initial stages of grief. One generally does not do much speaking. One generally is just there ? getting items for the family members: Kleenex, water, whatever. One will try to help make things more accessible in the room; for instance, I helped by lowering the bed rail so her husband could hug her and hold her one last time. Circulating around, one touches shoulders, offers hugs, and says silent prayers for God?s peace in the midst of grief.

It is an extremely emotional time. Your heart is touched as you see spouses and children and grandchildren mourn. Hearing a spouse say, ?Please don?t leave me alone,? wrenches your insides like few things can. But you know you have a job. You represent God?s presence to these folks. You represent the promise of the resurrection because of the office you hold.

When the initial surge of grief passes, then the words begin. Then the processing begins. Then the planning begins. When things are tentatively set and folks know the next step, it?s time to graciously leave and allow the family time together.

One final prayer and this was accomplished. Funeral preparations have begun.

Find a link to Kevin Haug?s blog Country Preacher?s Corner at Lutheran Blogs.

You might also want to read:
To conquer death, you only have to die
Dealing with death as a parish pastor
The good news for the children of God


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20 small actions that will make my big goals happen #pbevent 2012 ...

20 small #pbevent actions that will make some big goals happen.

Problogger logo

The 2011 Problogger Training Day was fantastic. I walked away with feeling inspired with some great ideas. I was even surprised by some of the things I learned. But what did I do with those ideas?


Roll the calendar forward one year to 2012. The Problogger Training Event is now two days in length and has a theme: From Little Things Big Things Come.

As part of Darren?s opening presentation he talked about how small actions can have a big impact, especially when small tasks become your habit. A bit later in the day Chris Guillebeau said, ?We will all be inspired over these 2 days, it?s the action we take that matters.?

This post isn?t a recap of all the things I learned. This post is my pledge for action.

Small seed growing

I think the reason I didn?t do anything with my ideas from 2011 is that they were just too difficult to grab hold of. They were big and wibbly-wobbly, lacking real shape or clarity.

So, seeded from Darren?s opening presentation, I have put together 20 actions. Some of them will only take 5minutes; some will take a few hours. But none of them are big enough to paralyse me.

If I am honest, I feel a bit weird publishing this. I feel exposed but I am publishing my action list so the authenticity of my relationship with you will hold me accountable. I am publishing this so I take action.

The Copy Detective blog

Stan Lee Johnson (@BrandDNA) and Chris Guillebeau (@chrisguillebeau) both talked about giving your subscribers a reason to care and connect on your blog. I want The Copy Detective to be a (popular) place of common bonding and with that in mind I am going to:

1. Survey subscribers about who they are why they read The Copy Detective. Goal: understand reader motivation.

2. Survey subscribers about what they would like to learn about. Goal: focus content value.

3. Revise my existing statement about what The Copy Detective stands for, combining purpose with personality. Goal: clarify my mission, message and challenge.

4. Add some personal shizzle to the current blog subscription confirmation and thank you emails. Goal: Invite more personal contact and interaction after subscription.

5. Send out additional emails to touch base with subscribers after initial subscription. Point to other content and products (when created). Goal: strengthen connection and engagement.

6. Test different subject line and send times for The Copy Detective RSS emails. Goal: Improve open rates (as a measure of interest).

7. Update blog subscription call to action (positioned under each blog post) from a text link to subscription window. Goal: increase conversion of readers to subscribers.

8. Investigate popup subscription window on blog. Darren mentioned his popup subscription window boosted conversion by 600% so this is worth considering, right? Goal: increase conversion of readers to subscribers.

Copy & Co. News [Copywrite Matters newsletter]

Darren?s (@problogger) session on email marketing highlighted many benefits. I think I can use email marketing more effectively to enhance the value for my community. With that in mind I am going to:

9. Get a new?Mailchimp template designed for Copy & CO. News. Goal: Present content in a more scannable and visually appealing manner.

10. Test different subject line and send times for the Copy & Co. News emails. Goal: Improve open rates (as a measure of interest).

11. Send additional autoresponder email to touch base with subscribers after initial subscription. Goal: strengthen connection and engagement. Direct people to other content.

Information products

Creating information products was one of my wibbly-wobbly ideas from 2011. Ebooks, I thought, I should do that. This year I had several moments of clarity around how I could create information products that did more than clutter up the internet. With that in mind I am going to:

12. Work through Shane Tilley?s (@shaynet) matrix of problem-solutions-features-barriers-benefits to clarify ideas around ebook and autoresponder concepts. Goal: Create well-targeted niche content. Early idea is to create a series: How to write a better ? brochure/newsletter/webpage/blog post etc.

13. Review existing content from The Copy Detective blog and workshop presentations for reuse. Goal: Don?t reinvent the wheel!

14. Spend 15minutes per day writing content for a product. Darren wrote 31 Days to a Better Blog by spending 15mins every day. With a newborn. If he can find 15mins to write with a newborn, I can find 15minutes to write with a dog. Goal: Get the content written!

15. Revisit Shayne?s presentation about launching products. Goal: Nail it!

Beyond products

I have presented a few seminars and workshops on content marketing and SEO copywriting. I really enjoy it and would love to do them more often. With that in mind I am going to:

16. Update Copywrite Matters About page to include information on how to work with me. Goal: Communicate my unique value and make it easy for people.

17. Add new page linked to from the Copywrite Matters About page mentioning my guest speaking and workshop experience. Goal: Get more speaking gigs!

18. Add this information to social media pages with links to Slideshare presos. Goal: Promote and prove experience.

I still have some big wibbly-wobbly ideas, like courses and membership areas but for now I have lots of actionable items that I can see will take me closer to achieving Copywrite Matters? strategic goals. Of course, my goals should be measurable and my tasks time specific so two more actions are to:

19 . Link these actions to my high level strategic goals

20. Add specific times and measures to my marketing plan!

I am still rocking The Friday Experiment so there really are no excuses! If you?re interested in seeing if I?m all mouth and no trousers Or I?m actually living up to my pledge, check back now and then. I?ll be crossing the items off as they?re completed!

If you want the same kind of inspiration to define your own list of action, get a virtual pass to the Problogger Training Event. If you?re serious about improving your blog I mean. I bet your list will be different. And longer.

Are you in Melbourne? If you?re interested in a regular meet up, to keep each other motivated about making our big goals a reality, drop me a line.? I?m all for it!

The Copy Detective

Get each new post delivered straight to your inbox. In secret, of course.?

Silliness in the Problogger SmileBooth @ Maha Bar and Grill Oct 2012

Silliness in the Problogger SmileBooth @ Maha Bar and Grill Oct 2012

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Apple sends out invitations to October 23 iPad mini event

Apple sends out invitations to October 23 iPad mini event

Apple has begun sending out invitations to select members of the media for their upcoming October 23 special event, widely considered to be focused on the iPad and Macs. Jim Dalrymple of The Loop has the details:

Apple on Tuesday announced a special event to be held on October 23, 2012 in San Jose. The event is scheduled to take place at 10:00 am PT.

The invitations read "We've got a little more to show you". Nice.

Source: The Loop


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

CyberPower Announces Zeus Storm Gaming Desktops

published: 2012-10-15 15:03:29

The common defense of choosing console gaming over PC gaming is that people don't want to spend $2,000 on a gaming rig. Well, CyberPower announced three new gaming rigs in their Zeus Storm line-up that are available for just under $2,000 and pack enough power to make Hulk's smash look like a pro-wrestling slap.

The three new desktops feature some massive power under the hood, and I'm not talking rinky-dink stuff either, this is like muscle car mass.

As stated in the press release...

A "storm" is coming and CyberPowerPC does not want gamers to be left out in the cold. The Zeus Storm series includes three models that stand ready to battle. Customers can select from the Zeus Storm 1000 with 8-Core AMD Zambezi processors, which allow you to immerse yourself in the most advanced 3D games and achieve extreme mega-tasking.

The Zeus Storm 2000 comes with an Intel i7-3770K, Nvidia's new GTX 660 Ti, 128GB SSD and a 2TB HDD all for only $1,682.

The Zeus Storm 3000 comes with the Intel i7-3820, an Intel X79 chipset, the GTX 670 and a 240GB SSD with a 2TB HDD, all for only $1,943.

There's also a special pre-order bonus available that enables users to gain access to Windows 8 before it launches. Assuming, you're all about switching over to Windows 8.

It's pretty cool that these rigs are available for just under the $2k price mark, as an octa-core processor is no laughing matter and will keep you from having to upgrade for many, many years.

You can learn more about the new Zeus Storm gaming rigs by visiting the Official CyberPowerPC Website


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Netgear RAIDiator 5.3.6

Netgear recently released a firmware upgrade for its popular line of ReadyNAS devices. The upgrade is a major release, and Netgear's main push behind it is to make the ReadyNAS Duo and ReadyNAS NV+ more cloud-friendly. The new firmware, called Netgear's RAIDiator 5.3.6 is a welcome idea, because I found the included software to be the weakest component in what is excellent NAS hardware from Netgear. This new release however, is more like a fresh coat of paint slapped over services that already exist in Netgear's NASes. It doesn?t offer much improvement to the management and cloud capabilities of a Netgear NAS and actually makes management a little more complicated.

Download and New Capabilities
You can download the latest firmware from The new software also comes with any ReadyNAS device purchased as of September 11, 2012. ?Once the firmware is downloaded and installed, the NAS' interface is accessible by entering the IP address of the device through a browser, or by clicking the "setup" option in the RAIDar software Netgear ships with its NASes to locate the NAS on a network.

Some of the new and improved capabilities include ReadyDROP which allows users to sync, edit, store, retrieve, and view files from any ReadyDROP enabled device; remote backup for Time Machine; media streaming with ReadyDLNA; and a small business disaster recovery feature called ReadyNAS replicare.

Test Driving the New Firmware
Opening up the freshly upgraded interface on a ReadyNAS Duo, I noticed the UI hasn?t noticeably changed since the last software version. The home page still displays graphics indicating temperature of the device, overall health of the system, folder shares and any installed add-ons.

From this initial screen are several menu options: Configure, Documentation, Community, and How-To. The latter three are of course help resources with links to Netgear's site and forum?"Configure" is where you do device management.

Clicking "configure" opens up a new set of sub-menus. From these menus you can view and configure system and network settings. You can also enable features such as remote access and ReadyDROP, and do more advanced configuration such as enabling disk spin-down after a specific number of minutes, set back up options, and enable email alerts.

The problem with services like ReadyDROP and remote access is that there isn't any information within the interface on how to use ReadyDROP or how to remotely access the device. If you do a Web search on ReadyDROP, you'll find instructions on the service and that you need to install another app from Netgear?ReadyNAS remote?on any device you want to use ReadyDROP with. You also have to create a ReadyDROP account or use a ReadyNAS remote ID.

ReadyDROP and Beyond
ReadyDROP is easy enough to use and does allow you to access files on the NAS across any of your network devices and computers since it supports Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. The lack of any instruction or guidance on what you need to download to get ReadyDROP is bound to confuse new Netgear NAS customers.

Remote access is also not simplified with the new version's interface as far as I could tell. The interface does seem quicker and more responsive when navigating through it and making settings changes than before. There's a colorful, large toggle on-screen button you can click to enable remote access, but you still need to work with settings such as proxy server, incoming ports, port forwarding through a router?the new firmware doesn?t give any new or easier way to remotely access or manage the device.

The interface also allows you to access the Genie Apps Service?Netgear's app store (everyone needs an app store, these days). Clicking on Genie Apps for the first time, resulted in the message, "It appears that Genie Apps Service is turned off or this is your first time running Genie Apps Service?" Enabling the service requires logging into the Genie marketplace with, you guessed, yet another Netgear account.

So now we are up to three logins on the Netgear device: the initial admin password to get into the management interface, the remote ID login to use remote access and ReadyDROP, and now one for Genie marketplace. Netgear should take a cue from Microsoft and look into single-sign on capabilities. The multiple logins for multiple tasks is cumbersome.

To access the Genie marketplace also requires installing a Genie app locally (to get to the Internet-based Genie app store). My question is, why do I need to have this new firmware, a remote app, a local Genie app and access to a Genie cloud store. There's too much going on, and nothing is streamlined with the new firmware.

The new firmware also includes Netgear's highly-touted ReadyNAS Photos II. The original photo app was on the ReadyNAS Duo v2 I last looked at, and I found it problematic. I don't find much improvement with this latest version of the photo app.

Users buying a new NAS from Netgear will find ReadyNAS Photos II pre-installed. To begin using it is a matter of clicking the option to "Start sharing photos". There, you find a three-step process to do so: agreeing to a EULA, setting up a hostname for the NAS to share albums from the Internet, and then setting up UPnP on a router.

Most NAS owners tend to be technically savvier than average. I don't doubt that many will be able to get through these steps and even enable UPnP on their routers. However, those new to working with NASes may experience some confusion setting up ReadyNAS Photos II. The directions included in the steps are vague, especially the ones for setting up UPnP, and they're plagued with typos.

Once the photo app is configured, you can email invites to users to access albums, upload images taken with smartphones to the albums, and create slideshows complete with background music. Some of ReadyNAS Photo II's advanced features are likely to appeal to security-conscious users, such as sending an encrypted link for access to albums and establishing limits on downloadable image resolution. But the ReadyNAS Photo II setup process is still lengthy and can get complicated if you have problems enabling UPnP or the required port forwarding of traffic over port 8086. Advanced users can handle all that, but I don't think ReadyNAS Photo II poses any threat to Facebook photo sharing or Instagram anytime soon.

Not Enough of an Upgrade
Netgear's created this new firmware upgrade for purposes of making the ReadyNAS line of NAS device more cloud-based. I don't think the firmware achieves this. You still have lots of configuration, in fact the same type of configuration as before, to share data and remotely manage the NAS. With multiple sign-ins and apps to install, the management process also gets rather complex. I'd have preferred if the 5.3.6 firmware was all encompassing?a single portal from which I can get to the genie apps, access ReadyDROP (and get any ReadyDROP clients I need for any devices). Netgear needs to corral in all its services?which are plentiful and allow you to do lots with Netgear NASes?into one interface if possible. I can state that the performance of the firmware is peppier than the last version I tested on a Netgear NAS. That's good, but the new upgrade is a veneer for services that already exist. For networking management software, it?s a decent three stars, but could be better.

More?Networking Software Reviews:
??? Netgear RAIDiator 5.3.6
??? Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v16
??? GFI Cloud
??? VPN Direct (Premium)
??? Fing-Network Tools (for Android)
?? more


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Monday, October 15, 2012

UrbanSitter Raises $6M To Harness The Power Of Social Recommendations In Child Care

urbanUrbanSitter, an online service for parents and sitters to connect, has raised $6 million in Series A funding led by?Canaan Partners with First Round Capital, Menlo Ventures, Rustic Canyon Partners?and several angels participating. UrbanSitter harnesses the power of social recommendations in a space where a friend?s recommendation is critical?child care. UrbanSitter leverages Facebook Connect so parents can view sitters that their friends already know, trust and recommend. You sign up on the site, and connect your Facebook account, and can view sitters known through friends or affiliations?including schools, sports teams and parent groups.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ex-head of military team in Libya: security weak - 8 News NOW

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Four weeks before the election, Republicans used a politically charged House hearing to confront State Department officials about security at the U.S. consulate in Libya and assail the Obama administration's early response to the killing of the ambassador and three other Americans there.

GOP lawmakers refused to accept the department's explanation Wednesday that protection judged adequate for the threat was overwhelmed by an unprecedented assault in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

They also rejected Under Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy's explanation that officials were relying on the best intelligence available in characterizing the attack afterward as stemming from a protest over an anti-Islam Internet video rather than a deliberate, planned act of terrorism.

A top State official acknowledged she had declined to approve more U.S. security as violence in Benghazi spiked, saying the department wanted to train Libyans to protect the consulate.

"I made the best decisions I could with the information I had," said Charlene R. Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security.

Regardless of allegations of blame, there is no dispute over the tragic result. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans - including two former Navy SEALs - were killed in what administration officials now describe as an act of terrorism.

In statements immediately after the attack, neither President Barack Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton mentioned terrorism. And both gave credence to the notion that the attack was related to protests about the privately made anti-Islam video.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said on the night of the attack. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

Five days later, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice said her best information at the time was that the attack stemmed from a protest that became violent.

White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday that in hindsight "there is no question that the security was not enough to prevent that tragedy from happening. There were four Americans killed."

Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee tried to blame Republicans for cutting more than $300 million in diplomatic security funds worldwide.

"The fact is that, since 2011, the House has cut embassy security by hundreds of millions of dollars below the amounts requested by the president," said Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee's senior Democrat.

Lamb, the official in charge of protecting U.S. embassies and consulates, told the committee, "We had the correct number of assets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11."

Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., asked Lamb if she turned down requests for more security in Benghazi.

"Yes sir, I said personally I would not support it," she replied. "We were training local Libyans and army men" to provide security, a policy in force at U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world.

Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., retorted there was "as much as 30 percent turnover in the people you were training."

Eric Nordstrom, who was the top security official in Libya earlier this year, testified he was criticized for seeking more security. "There was no plan and it was hoped it would get better," he said.

Nordstrom told the committee that conversations he had with people in Washington led him to believe that it was "abundantly clear we were not going to get resources until the aftermath of an incident. How thin does the ice have to get before someone falls through?"

He said he was so exasperated at one point he told a colleague that "for me the Taliban is on the inside of the building."

Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who headed a 16-member military force in Libya, disputed State Department officials who said the special operations troops were replaced by people with the same skill sets.

The skills of his troops were "way above the skill level of local (forces) armed with a pistol," Wood said, adding he was he was frustrated that pleas for more security were not met.

"We were fighting a losing battle, we weren't even allowed to keep what we had," he testified.

Nordstrom acknowledged in response to a question from Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, that while the State Department was refusing more security, his and others' pay was increased because he was serving in such a dangerous area.

Kennedy defended Rice for her comments indicating the attack was a protest gone awry.

"If any administration official, including any career official, were on television on Sunday, Sept. 16, they would have said what Ambassador Rice said," he said. "The information she had at that point from the intelligence community is the same that I had at that point. As time went on, additional information became available. Clearly, we know more today than we did on the Sunday after the attack."

Kennedy, a four-decade veteran of the Foreign Service, said the department uses the best information from people on the ground at diplomatic posts around the world as well as experts in Washington in assessing risk and allocating security resources.

"The assault that occurred on the evening of Sept. 11, however, was an unprecedented attack by dozens of heavily armed men," he said.

Meanwhile, Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, met Wednesday with Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf and other officials in Tripoli on ways Libya can better help the U.S. track down those responsible for the deaths at the consulate.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Pope opens bishop synod, names 2 church doctors

Pope Benedict XVI, standing on a car at right, waves to faithful as he is leaves after celebrating a mass for the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7 , 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has also named two new "doctors" of the church, conferring the Catholic Church's highest honor on a 16th-century Spanish preacher St. John of Avila, and to St. Hildegard of Bingen, and a 12th? century German mystic who wasn't even officially recognized as a saint until earlier this year. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Pope Benedict XVI, standing on a car at right, waves to faithful as he is leaves after celebrating a mass for the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7 , 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has also named two new "doctors" of the church, conferring the Catholic Church's highest honor on a 16th-century Spanish preacher St. John of Avila, and to St. Hildegard of Bingen, and a 12th? century German mystic who wasn't even officially recognized as a saint until earlier this year. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Bishops and cardinals attend a Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI for the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter square at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7 , 2012. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

The tapestry of St. John of Avila hangs from the facade of St. Peter's Basilica during the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7 , 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has also named two new "doctors" of the church, conferring the Catholic Church's highest honor on a 16th-century Spanish preacher St. John of Avila, and to St. Hildegard of Bingen, and a 12th? century German mystic who wasn't even officially recognized as a saint until earlier this year. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

The tapestry of St. Hildegard of Bingen hangs from the facade of St. Peter's Basilica during the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI has also named two new "doctors" of the church, conferring the Catholic Church's highest honor on a 16th-century Spanish preacher St. John of Avila, and to St. Hildegard of Bingen, and a 12th? century German mystic who wasn't even officially recognized as a saint until earlier this year. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Pope Benedict XVI leads a Mass for the opening of the synod of bishops in St. Peter square at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Pope Benedict XVI urged the world's bishops on Sunday to try to bring back Catholics who have left the church as he opened a three-week meeting to reinvigorate the church's evangelization mission.

Some 262 cardinals, bishops and priests from around the world are in Rome for the meeting, or synod, called to give impetus to the pope's efforts to re-evangelize parts of the world where Catholicism has fallen by the wayside.

At the start of the Mass, Benedict named two new "doctors" of the church, conferring one of the Catholic Church's highest honors on the 16th-century Spanish preacher, St. John of Avila, and the 12th-century German mystic, St. Hildegard of Bingen. They join the ranks of only 33 other church doctors who have been singled out over the course of Christianity for their contributions to and influence on Catholic doctrine.

Benedict has long lamented that in Europe and the Americas, Catholics no longer practice their faith or pass it onto their children. That concern is reflected in the synod's working document that will form the basis of discussion over the next three weeks.

"There is a clear link between the crisis in faith and the crisis in marriage," the pope said.

The so-called "new evangelization" is a top priority for Benedict, who routinely laments how cultures in Europe and the West that were once profoundly Christian have become increasingly secular.

The church has been beset by competition from rival Protestant churches in Latin America, dissent from Catholics who oppose church teaching on homosexuality and desertions in the U.S. and Europe from Catholics fed up by years of sex abuse scandals.

"The church exists to evangelize," Benedict said in his homily, urging a new missionary spirit among the church's pastors to reawaken the faith among Catholics who have been baptized but no longer practice their faith.

The synod coincides with the 50th anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 church meetings that modernized the church.

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington, was named by Benedict to run the meeting.

At the start of the Mass, Cardinal Angelo Amato, head of the Vatican's saint-making office, read aloud the reasons why the church was proclaiming St. John and St. Hildegard doctors, saying their "holiness and eminent doctrine" shine hundreds of years after they lived.

Benedict is particularly fond of Hildegard, who was considered a saint in his native Germany but was never officially proclaimed one by the Vatican. Benedict, who himself referred to Hildegard as a saint, earlier this year passed the decree making her one officially, a requirement for her to be named a church doctor.

The last church doctor named was St. Therese of Lisieux, France, in 1997. The first church doctors were Sts. Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome and Gregory the Great.


Follow Nicole Winfield at

Associated Press


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Biological mechanism that plays key role in early-onset dementia identified

ScienceDaily (Oct. 8, 2012) ? Using animal models, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have discovered how a protein deficiency may be linked to frontotemporal dementia (FTD) -- a form of early-onset dementia that is similar to Alzheimer's disease. These results lay the foundation for therapies that one day may benefit those who suffer from this and related diseases that wreak havoc on the brain.

As its name implies, FTD is a fatal disease that destroys cells, or neurons, that comprise the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain -- as opposed to Alzheimer's which mainly affects brain's memory centers in the hippocampus. Early symptoms of FTD include personality changes, such as increased erratic or compulsive behavior. Patients later experience difficulties speaking and reading, and often suffer from long-term memory loss. FTD is usually diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 65, with death occurring within 2 to 10 years after diagnosis. No drug exists to slow, halt or reverse the progression of FTD.

A new study led by Gladstone Senior Investigator Robert V. Farese, Jr., MD, offers new hope in the fight against this and other related conditions. In the latest issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, available today online, Dr. Farese and his team show how a protein called progranulin prevents a class of cells called microglia from becoming "hyperactive." Without adequate progranulin to keep microglia in check, this hyperactivity becomes toxic, causing abnormally prolonged inflammation that destroys neurons over time -- and leads to debilitating symptoms.

"We have known that a lack of progranulin is linked to neurodegenerative conditions such as FTD, but the exact mechanism behind that link remained unclear," said Dr. Farese, who is also a professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), with which Gladstone is affiliated. "Understanding the inflammatory process in the brain is critical if we are to develop better treatments not only for FTD, but for other forms of brain injury such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and multiple sclerosis (MS) -- which are likely also linked to abnormal microglial activity."

Microglia -- which are a type of immune cells that reside in the CNS -- normally secrete progranulin. Early studies on traumatic CNS injury found that progranulin accumulates at the injury site alongside microglia, suggesting that both play a role in injury response. So, Dr. Farese and his team designed a series of experiments to decipher the nature of the relationship between progranulin and microglia.

First, the team generated genetically modified mice that lack progranulin. They then monitored how the brains of these mice responded to toxins, comparing this reaction to a control group.

"As expected, the toxin destroys neurons in both sets of mice -- but the progranulin-deficient mice lost twice as many neurons as the control group," said Lauren Herl Martens, a Gladstone and UCSF graduate student and the study's lead author. "This showed us that progranulin is crucial for neuron survival. We then wanted to see whether a lack of progranulin itself would injure these cells -- even in the absence of toxins."

In a petri dish, the researchers artificially prevented microglia from secreting progranulin and monitored how these modified microglia interacted with neurons. They observed that a significantly greater number of neurons died in the presence of the progranulin-deficient microglia when compared to unmodified microglia.

Other experiments revealed the process' underlying mechanism. Microglia are the CNS's first line of defense. When the microglia sense toxins or injury, they trigger protective inflammation -- which can become toxic to neurons if left unchecked. Dr. Farese's team discovered that progranulin works by tempering the microglia's response, thereby minimizing inflammation. Without progranulin, the microglia are unrestricted -- and induce prolonged and excessive inflammation that leads to neuron damage -- and can contribute to the vast array of symptoms that afflict sufferers FTD and other fatal forms of brain disease.

"However, we found that boosting progranulin levels in microglia reduced inflammation -- keeping neurons alive and healthy in cell culture," explained Dr. Farese. "Our next step is to determine if this method could also work in live animals. We believe this to be a therapeutic strategy that could, for example, halt the progression of FTD. More broadly, our findings about progranulin and inflammation could have therapeutic implications for devastating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and MS."

Other scientists who participated in this research at Gladstone include Sami Barmada, PhD, Ping Zhou, MD, Li Gan, PhD and Steve Finkbeiner, MD, PhD. Funding came from a variety of sources, including the Consortium for Frontotemporal Dementia Research, the ALS Association and the National Institutes of Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Gladstone Institutes.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Lauren Herl Martens, Jiasheng Zhang, Sami J. Barmada, Ping Zhou, Sherry Kamiya, Binggui Sun, Sang-Won Min, Li Gan, Steven Finkbeiner, Eric J. Huang, Robert V. Farese. Progranulin deficiency promotes neuroinflammation and neuron loss following toxin-induced injury. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2012; DOI: 10.1172/JCI63113

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Asian shares fall on concerns for outlook, earnings

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian stocks and other riskier assets such as commodities fell on Monday as the World Bank cut its growth forecasts for East Asia, underlining concerns over the global economic outlook, and caution set in about the coming corporate earnings season.

European index futures also slipped, leaving markets there poised to give up some of last week's gains.

Wall Street stocks dipped late on Friday as an unexpected drop in the U.S. unemployment rate was overshadowed by worries about the earnings season, which kicks off with Alcoa Inc on Tuesday, and S&P 500 futures traded in Asia eased on Monday.

"It (the jobs number) looks good if you were worried about an imminent collapse back into recession or if you had performed badly in a presidential debate," said Russell Jones, global interest rates strategist at Westpac bank in Sydney, in a note.

"But the reality is that it remains consistent with a U.S. economy growing around or a little below trend, no more."

S&P 500 earnings for the third quarter are forecast to have fallen 2.4 percent from the year-earlier period, which would be the first decline in three years, according to Thomson Reuters data.

MSCI's broadest index of Asia Pacific shares outside Japan <.miapj0000pus> fell 0.9 percent. Japanese financial markets were closed for a public holiday. Euro STOXX 50 index futures opened down 0.8 percent, while financial bookmakers called London's FTSE 100 down around 0.5 percent. <.eu><.l/>


Equity markets have broadly been rallying since hitting a nadir for the year in early June. They received a renewed burst of impetus last month when major central banks rolled out fresh measures to support fragile economies.

MSCI's Asia Pacific ex-Japan and All Countries World Indexes are both up around 13 percent year-to-date.

But with the euro zone back in recession amid a still unresolved debt crisis and the U.S. recovery far from secure, investors remain reluctant to chase growth-sensitive riskier assets too aggressively.

"We've arrived at one of the sorts of levels where the market needs to see a bit more evidence of a medium-term outlook before it takes prices much beyond current levels," said Ric Spooner, chief market analyst at CMC Markets in Sydney.

A private sector survey showing a rebound in China's services sector in September after its growth hit a one-year low in August had little immediate impact on markets.

The euro fell about 0.4 percent to below $1.2985, which helped the dollar advance 0.3 percent against a basket of major currencies <.dxy>.

Euro zone finance ministers were meeting on Monday to formally launch the region's permanent bailout fund, with market attention focused on whether and when Spain will request external aid as it struggles to recapitalize its banks.

Traders and analysts say the euro could get a boost if Spain makes such a request as that would open the way for the European Central Bank to buy Spanish debt to help bring down Madrid's borrowing costs.


Underlining the uncertain outlook for the global economy, the World Bank cut its growth forecasts for the East Asia and Pacific region and said there was a risk the slowdown in China could get worse and last longer than expected.

"Unlike the rest of the region, China is experiencing a double whammy - the growth slowdown is driven by weaker exports as well as domestic demand, in particular investment growth," World Bank Chief Economist for East Asia and the Pacific Bert Hofman said at a briefing in Singapore.

China, the engine of global growth in recent years and a key consumer of commodities, is due to release at the end of next week its growth data for the third quarter, which analysts expect to be the weakest three months of the year.

The World Bank expects China's GDP growth for 2012 as a whole to come in at 7.7 percent, which would be its lowest in more than a decade.

Oil fell, with Brent crude off around 70 cents at about $111.30 a barrel and U.S. crude down around 80 cents below $89.10.

"Oil is still finely balanced," said Michael Creed, an economist at National Australia Bank.

"On one hand, we still have a slowing economy and what that means for oil demand. On the other hand, there is oil supply risk at the moment."

Copper, also dependent on industrial demand, dropped 1.5 percent to around $8,175 a metric ton.

Gold lost 0.6 percent to about $1,770 an ounce.

(Additional reporting by Somang Yang in Seoul, Thuy Ong in Sydney and Florence Tan and Kevin Lim in Singapore; Editing by Richard Borsuk)


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Focusing A Light Microscope ? Hourly Book

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Spain Debt Rises on Aid to Banks Regions Finance Cost

CNBC Sunday 30th September, 2012

Spain's debt levels are set to rise next year, piling pressure on the government to apply for aid as it pours funds in to cash-strapped regions, an ailing banking system and rising refinancing costs, its budget showed on Saturday.

Read the full story at CNBC


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Engineered to Work Together - TEAM Sites Connector for WebCenter

ARDEN HILLS, Minn., Sept. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Tonight's Oracle OpenWorld keynote address by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison focused on the advantages of running systems that have been engineered to work together. TEAM Informatics, Inc., a leading enterprise software products and systems integration firm and recognized expert in Oracle? WebCenter, announces their suite of products designed to enhance Oracle's broader approach, particularly the TEAM Sites Connector for WebCenter.

Since the acquisition of Fatwire in 2011, there has been a need to ensure full adoption of Fatwire (rebranded as WebCenter Sites) while also allowing companies to continue to manage their unstructured content in a single enterprise repository such as WebCenter Content. In coordination with Oracle product management, TEAM developed the Sites Connector to provide the full enterprise content management features from WebCenter Content by making select content available to the WebCenter Sites toolkit.

"The 'Engineered to Work Together' theme from Mr. Ellison tonight reflects exactly the value that we are providing to our customers through the TEAM Sites Connector," stated Wayne Boerger, Product Manager for TEAM Informatics. "Customers have been very excited about the new web experience capabilities in WebCenter Sites but were concerned about managing multiple repositories. Through this product, we are very pleased to help customers address those concerns by making it easy for site managers and content contributors to utilize the items they need, as well as leverage all of the enterprise functionality that is unique to WebCenter Content. Furthermore, TEAM will have more exciting news to share at OpenWorld regarding engineered systems, so stay tuned Tuesday morning."

Oracle OpenWorld 2012, Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle User Community, is being held in San Francisco, bringing together the world's top IT professionals.? TEAM is participating in OpenWorld as a customer appreciation event sponsor.

About TEAM Informatics, Inc.

TEAM Informatics, Inc. ( is an employee-owned, Minnesota-based software products and systems integration firm with a global customer base. TEAM was formed over 10 years ago and has experienced a sustained aggressive growth rate.

TEAM is an Oracle Software Reseller and a global member of the Oracle Partner Network, specializing in areas such as WebCenter Content and WebCenter Portal. Offerings include professional services, managed services, enterprise and development support, and an expanding set of products. In addition, TEAM is a Google Enterprise Partner and Reseller for the Google Search technologies. TEAM's suite of business applications include TEAM Cloud for managed delivery of WebCenter products on an Oracle engineered system, TEAM GSA Connector for enterprise search, TEAM Sites Connector for enabling web experience management, TEAM Email Manager for email and communication compliance and management, and ContentWorx for complex document process management and assembly. Get more information on these and all of TEAM's offerings at

Media Contact: Doug Thompson TEAM Informatics, Inc., (651) 760-4802,

News distributed by PR Newswire iReach:

SOURCE TEAM Informatics, Inc.


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Adventure Film Festival celebrates outdoor life -- and cancer survivors

Shanda "Limbo" Braithwaite kayaks in "Out Living It," a documentary that will be shown at the 2012 Adventure Film Festival. (Courtesy photo: Serac Adventure Films)

If you go

What: Adventure Film Festival

When: Oct. 4-6

Where: Boulder Theater

Tickets: Packages vary


After filmmaker Michael Brown watched his older brother and hero, Gordon, fight brain cancer 10 years ago, he never imagined he would eventually make a film about cancer survivors experiencing outdoor adventures in Colorado.

But when First Descents, a Colorado nonprofit group that offers cancer survivors a free outdoor experience through kayaking or rock climbing, approached Brown's Serac Adventure Films about making a documentary about their survivors, the filmmaker felt compelled to tell their stories.

Those stories can be experienced in the Serac film "Out Living It," which premiered earlier this spring and will be shown at the ninth annual Adventure Film Festival in Boulder Oct. 4-6.

First Descents gives young adult cancer survivors and "fighters" the chance to spend time with other survivors and remember what it feels like to be alive as they paddle through icy waters or climb to adrenaline-boosting heights. "Out Living It" profiles four survivors on their journey back to living after cancer.

"Young adults are just reaching their stride in life and starting a family or a new career or all those things," Brown said. "But suddenly they get a cancer diagnosis, and it comes out of the blue. We think of cancer as something that older people go through."

Often, Brown said, young adults diagnosed with cancer feel alienated. They have a hard time dating because they don't know how to talk about cancer or the possibility that their life could end sooner than they expect.

"People date for a lot of reasons, but ultimately there's always spending your life with someone," Brown said.

Nathan "Lash" Fowler tries his hand at climbing in "Out Living It," a film that chronicles cancer survivors enjoying the great outdoors. (Courtesy photo: Serac Adventure Films)

"But if someone's life is in jeopardy because of cancer it creates all kinds of issues."

Young people lose confidence, Brown added, or they become embarrassed or ashamed of their diagnoses. First Descents helps them gain back that confidence and show them they are still very much alive, Brown said.

Because the 15 survivors on the trips are all familiar with terms like "radiation" and "chemotherapy," there's less fear to talk openly about cancer, Brown said.

His brother Gordon was 35 when he received his cancer diagnoses. Brown said watching his brother struggle was one of the most difficult things he's ever done. Making the film was cathartic and inspiring for both Brown and his Serac Adventure Films crew.

"It was a profound experience for us," he said. "As storytellers, it really affected us."

Rebekah Koenigbauer, director of marketing for First Descents, said she hoped the film would have a similar impact on audiences around the world.

"The story of what happens goes far beyond just people who are surviving and fighting cancer," Koenigbauer said. "It really is our hope that it would be a story that would inspired people no matter what."

--Follow Sarah Kuta on Twitter: @SarahKuta.


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