Sunday, September 30, 2012

Judge Lucy Koh To Review Galaxy Tab 10.1 Injunction

Posted by Abhijoy Sarkar

There are never ending twist and turns going on in regards to the Apple vs Samsung court battle. It is a well know fact that after extensive hours of review and deliberation the jury came to the conclusion that Samsung not only violated numerous Apple patents, but also Apple has not infringed any of Samsung?s patents. Therefore, had ordered Samsung to pay Apple a sum of $1.05 billion. However, it looks that the battle didn?t end there and Judge Lucy Koh has set 6th December for hearing on Apple?s injunction on 8 Samsung devices.

According to recent reports, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has granted Samsung?s request to have the injunction of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 remanded in order for the trial court to re-consider Samsung?s motion to terminate the injunction. This will allow Samsung to get additional time to produce a better argument in front of the jury giving reasons as to why the injunction should be lifted, considering the jury found that the Galaxy tab 10.1 was not infringing upon any of Apple?s patents.

Keeping in mind all these matters, the Appeals court has asked Judge Lucy Koh to set aside another date to hear Samsung?s part of the story and let Samsung provide explanation against the injunction.

Edited by Zachary Bittner


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sexism In Science

An anonymous reader writes with news of a recent paper about the bias among science faculty against female students. The study, recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, asked professors to evaluate applications for a lab manager position. The faculty were given information about fictional applicants with randomly-assigned genders. They tended to rate male applicants as more hire-able than female applicants, and male names also generated higher starting salary and more mentoring offers. This bias was found in both male and female faculty. "The average salary suggested by male scientists for the male student was $30,520; for the female student, it was $27,111. Female scientists recommended, on average, a salary of $29,333 for the male student and $25,000 for the female student."


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Measuring the universe's 'exit door'

Friday, September 28, 2012

The point of no return: In astronomy, it's known as a black hole ? a region in space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes that can be billions of times more massive than our sun may reside at the heart of most galaxies. Such supermassive black holes are so powerful that activity at their boundaries can ripple throughout their host galaxies.

Now, an international team, led by researchers at MIT's Haystack Observatory, has for the first time measured the radius of a black hole at the center of a distant galaxy ? the closest distance at which matter can approach before being irretrievably pulled into the black hole.

The scientists linked together radio dishes in Hawaii, Arizona and California to create a telescope array called the "Event Horizon Telescope" (EHT) that can see details 2,000 times finer than what's visible to the Hubble Space Telescope. These radio dishes were trained on M87, a galaxy some 50 million light years from the Milky Way. M87 harbors a black hole 6 billion times more massive than our sun; using this array, the team observed the glow of matter near the edge of this black hole ? a region known as the "event horizon."

"Once objects fall through the event horizon, they're lost forever," says Shep Doeleman, assistant director at the MIT Haystack Observatory and research associate at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. "It's an exit door from our universe. You walk through that door, you're not coming back."

Doeleman and his colleagues have published the results of their study this week in the journal Science.

Jets at the edge of a black hole

Supermassive black holes are the most extreme objects predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of gravity ? where, according to Doeleman, "gravity completely goes haywire and crushes an enormous mass into an incredibly close space." At the edge of a black hole, the gravitational force is so strong that it pulls in everything from its surroundings. However, not everything can cross the event horizon to squeeze into a black hole. The result is a "cosmic traffic jam" in which gas and dust build up, creating a flat pancake of matter known as an accretion disk. This disk of matter orbits the black hole at nearly the speed of light, feeding the black hole a steady diet of superheated material. Over time, this disk can cause the black hole to spin in the same direction as the orbiting material.

Caught up in this spiraling flow are magnetic fields, which accelerate hot material along powerful beams above the accretion disk The resulting high-speed jet, launched by the black hole and the disk, shoots out across the galaxy, extending for hundreds of thousands of light-years. These jets can influence many galactic processes, including how fast stars form.

'Is Einstein right?'

A jet's trajectory may help scientists understand the dynamics of black holes in the region where their gravity is the dominant force. Doeleman says such an extreme environment is perfect for confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity ? today's definitive description of gravitation.

"Einstein's theories have been verified in low-gravitational field cases, like on Earth or in the solar system," Doeleman says. "But they have not been verified precisely in the only place in the universe where Einstein's theories might break down ? which is right at the edge of a black hole."

According to Einstein's theory, a black hole's mass and its spin determine how closely material can orbit before becoming unstable and falling in toward the event horizon. Because M87's jet is magnetically launched from this smallest orbit, astronomers can estimate the black hole's spin through careful measurement of the jet's size as it leaves the black hole. Until now, no telescope has had the magnifying power required for this kind of observation.

"We are now in a position to ask the question, 'Is Einstein right?'" Doeleman says. "We can identify features and signatures predicted by his theories, in this very strong gravitational field."

The team used a technique called Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI, which links data from radio dishes located thousands of miles apart. Signals from the various dishes, taken together, create a "virtual telescope" with the resolving power of a single telescope as big as the space between the disparate dishes. The technique enables scientists to view extremely precise details in faraway galaxies.

Using the technique, Doeleman and his team measured the innermost orbit of the accretion disk to be only 5.5 times the size of the black hole event horizon. According to the laws of physics, this size suggests that the accretion disk is spinning in the same direction as the black hole ? the first direct observation to confirm theories of how black holes power jets from the centers of galaxies.

The team plans to expand its telescope array, adding radio dishes in Chile, Europe, Mexico, Greenland and Antarctica, in order to obtain even more detailed pictures of black holes in the future.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

Thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology for this article.

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Kickstarter Will Not Save Artists From the Entertainment Industry's ...

by Evgeny Morozov

To see how the highly decentralized world of social media could disrupt the hegemony of established taste-makers in music, design, or fashion, look no further than Kickstarter. Just like Wikipedia redefined the process of creating an encyclopedia, this poster child of the crowdfunding revolution could redefine how dreamers raise funds for their next gadget or film?and perhaps even beget a cultural renaissance.

All of this sounds beautiful in theory. Have a great idea for a new project? Simply sign up for Kickstarter and post a description (don?t forget to make a glitzy video in support), set your fundraising target and the deadline, create a panoply of rewards tied to various contributions (for instance, $5 might get you the new CD, but $5,000 would also get you a dinner with the musician), and spread the word about the campaign. If you meet the fundraising target, Kickstarter takes a 5 percent cut and the project goes ahead?if you don?t, no money changes hands. The platform is enjoying tremendous success: Earlier this year, one of its founders proclaimed?to some controversy?that in 2012 Kickstarter might distribute more money ($150 million) than the National Endowment for the Arts (its budget for the year is $146 million).

Such phenomenal success has attracted its fair share of criticisms. Some, like NPR, have bashed Kickstarter for being rather opaque about how it deals with projects that, once funded, provide few (or questionable) updates on their progress, face significant delays, or never deliver at all. Those aren?t few: A recent study from the University of Pennsylvania looked at 47,000 Kickstarter projects and found that more than 75 percent deliver with delays. It?s hard to say how many projects never deliver, as for Kickstarter ?never? is a rather flexible term: Instead of acknowledging failure, many doomed projects simply drag on indefinitely, providing no updates and constantly postponing the launch date.

Delays are particularly common among projects that go viral and raise far more money than originally planned. Kickstarter has few incentives to safeguard such projects from their own viral success: The organization takes a cut from all money raised. And while Kickstarter expects that projects that don?t deliver will eventually compensate their backers, it has no way to enforce such a policy.

As the projects advertised on Kickstarter move beyond entertainment and start tackling problems like urbanism and designing more livable cities, it?s no longer enough to evaluate them solely in aesthetic and functional terms. For example, architecture and design critic Alexandra Lange has taken issue with the narrow, gadget-driven approach to solving complex urban problems that Kickstarer encourages. ?You wouldn?t Kickstart a replacement bus line for Brooklyn, but you might Kickstart an app to tell you when the bus on another, less convenient line might come. You can?t Kickstart affordable housing, but the really cool tent for the discussion thereof,? wrote Lange in Design Observer. A community that is channeling its energy into crowdfunding a new urban park might be less prone to participate in the boring but consequential urban planning meetings at the local town hall.

All of these are substantial, potent criticisms, and the company has addressed at least some of them. But one of the assumptions that has mostly gone untested is that Kickstarter, with its great emancipatory potential to free creative artists from the shackles of the entertainment industry, would revitalize our culture, make it more diverse and less dependent on the conservative or greedy gatekeepers.

A new article in the latest issue of Media, Culture, and Society by the Danish academic Inge Ejbye S?rensen challenges this assumption and tells a more complex story about the impact of sites like Kickstarter on the culture industry. S?rensen studied how crowdfunding has affected documentary filmmaking in the United Kingdom. Britain stands out from other countries in that most of its documentaries are produced and fully funded by one of its four main broadcasters (BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Channel 5) that dictate the terms to the filmmaker. In this context, crowdfunding seems liberating, even revolutionary.

But, as S?rensen points out, this revolution has a few mitigating circumstances. First, Kickstarter might produce many new documentaries, but the odds are that those documentaries will be of a very particular kind (this critique also applies to other sites in this field like,,, They are likely to be campaign and issue-driven films in the tradition of Super Size Me or An Inconvenient Truth. Their directors seek social change and tap into an online public that shares the documentary?s activist agenda. A documentary exploring the causes of World War I probably stands to receive less?if any?online funding than a documentary exploring the causes of climate change.

Second, some films require significant startup costs (think drama-documentaries or history movies) or involve considerable legal risks that may be hard to price and account for. Say you are making a film that includes an undercover investigation of the oil industry. When you have the BBC?s lawyers backing you up, you?ll probably take many more risks than when you are relying on crowdfunding. But if Kickstarter is your platform of choice, you?ll probably forgo venturing into the thorny legal issues altogether.

Both of these arguments show the danger of viewing the nimble and crowd-powered Kickstarter as an alternative (rather than a supplement!) to the behemoth that is the BBC. This might fit quite nicely with David Cameron?s rhetoric of the ?Big Society??whereby individuals take on the roles formerly performed by public institutions?but it would be a mistake to treat the two approaches as producing the same content only through different means. Some content is just unlikely to get crowdfunded.

Most interestingly, S?rensen argues that there are few reasons to believe that Kickstarter and its brethren would weaken the dominance of TV broadcasters or film festivals?the cultural gatekeepers that crowdfunding seeks to circumvent. Those behind the documentaries that make it big online know how to leverage?rather than renounce?their status in the industry. They play up the fact that their director might have won an Oscar or that their producer has a solid track record or that some TV broadcasters have already expressed interest in the film. This makes perfect sense: To assess a film?s odds of success (because even crowdfunders don?t want to back a loser), a prospective funder would want to know what people in the know?who are part of the ?industry? in one way or another?make of it. This is the point often missed by those hailing Kickstarter as a revolutionary project that could emancipate the artists: What defines potential ?success? for their film is still very much defined by the industry heavyweights.

A recent Kickstarter initiative to raise funds for an indie film called Hotel Noir is a case in point. The project has successfully raised its target of $50,000. But what do they need the money for? To get the film distributed the old way?via cinemas. Here is how the film?s director put it: ?We need to put the movie in a theater in New York and L.A. because ideally, we want this movie not just on VOD and digital platforms but ALSO on good old-fashioned, popcorn-serving movie theaters. ? [W]e believe that a run in New York and L.A.?while FANTASTIC?could be the start of something bigger.? Obviously, the assumption here is that this ?something bigger? would not just naturally happen on iTunes or YouTube.

As S?rensen notes, ?although crowdfunding and crowd investment ventures ? are often perceived as level playing fields with no or low entry barriers, it is not only the material capital, but very much also the cultural capital that a project is able to accumulate which determines whether a film receives funding in the first place and, subsequently, reaches a significant audience.?

From this perspective, the power of the cultural gatekeepers might only get entrenched?albeit now it would function in a much more invisible and decentralized manner. The industry would still get the filmmakers to do what it wants?only now everyone would believe in self-empowerment, Oprah-style. Not a reason to oppose crowdfunding as such?only a reminder that we need to embrace it with a critical, perhaps even skeptical, mind.

Evgeny Morozov is a visiting scholar at Stanford University, a fellow at the New America Foundation, and a contributing editor/blogger at Foreign Policy. He is the author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom Z?calo is a partner of the Future Tense program, the New America Foundation, and Slate Magazine, for which this essay was produced.

*Photo courtesy of Kickstarter.


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Probability maps help sniff out food contamination

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Uncovering the sources of fresh food contamination could become faster and easier thanks to analysis done at Sandia National Laboratories' National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC).

The study, in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, demonstrates how developing a probability map of the food supply network using stochastic network representation might shorten the time it takes to track down contaminated food sources.

Stochastic mapping shows what is known about how product flows through the distribution supply chain and provides a means to express all the uncertainties in potential supplier-customer relationships that persist due to incomplete information.

If used on a larger scale, such methods also might assess the vulnerability of food supplies to wide-scale, deliberate contamination.

Tracking down the source of fresh food contamination can be difficult and time-consuming. Stephen Conrad (6924) says difficulties in adequately characterizing connections and product flows among producers, distributors and suppliers can contribute to significant uncertainty in assessing the risk of foodborne illness.

"This is often a serious problem when there is an outbreak of food poisoning in a particular region and the healthcare authorities cannot quickly trace the source of the outbreak," Stephen says.

When an outbreak occurs, epidemiologists must interview affected people to track down where foodborne exposures happened. Often those interviews take place weeks after the exposure, leading to inaccurate or incomplete information and making it difficult to pinpoint a likely food culprit. Once the tainted food has been identified, investigators must trace up through the food distribution supply chain to locate the source of contamination.

"Epidemiologists involved in trace back start behind the eight ball," Stephen says. "They attempt to reconstruct the pathway the contaminated food has traveled through the distribution network well after the fact."

Even at the supply chain level, investigating how food moves through the system is daunting. Stephen says supply chains vary widely from one food marketing system and agricultural sector to another. Some supply chain parts change frequently. Even within a single agricultural sector, some parts of the food supply chain may be characterized by enduring supplier/customer relationships, while others may be market-based and highly transitory.

Even industry insiders may not understand the supply chain map. Many only know "one up and one down" -- that is, they know only their direct supplier and direct customer. Some information about customers and suppliers can be proprietary and therefore hard to get, Stephen says.

In 2011, sprouts were the focus of a serious E. coli outbreak in Europe, but tracing contaminated products to their source proved difficult.

Sandia researchers applied the stochastic mapping technique to test data from the fresh sprout sector in a single state in the U.S., using a case study of the edible seed sprout distribution system as the basis of their computational model.

"Stochastic network representation provides the ability to incorporate and express the uncertainties using probability maps," Conrad explained. "The method enables effective risk analysis and designing robust food defense strategies."

Future work for the team will include scaling the analysis up to the company or industry level as well as mapping commodity flows into, out of and within a geographic region.

Ultimately, NISAC intends to work with partners in business and federal and state agencies to ascertain whether the agencies have a business case for adopting the method.

If there is, the team will seek to help achieve wide acceptance of using data analysis to assess risk.

Building on techniques and knowledge developed at NISAC over the past four years, the work was initiated with funding from Sandia's Laboratory Directed Research and Development program and continued with funding from the Department of Homeland Security.

"If stochastic mapping was widely used now, perhaps outbreaks, such the recent ones involving salmonella, could be more quickly tracked down and contained. Quicker containment would benefit not only consumers but also the farmers who grow fresh food for our nation and who can be severely impacted economically by uncertainties and market restrictions on sales of their products caused by delays in pinpointing an outbreak's source," Stephen says.

For more information, visit Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASoS) Engineering Initiative website, or the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC).

The International Journal of Critical Infrastructures article, "The value of utilizing stochastic mapping of food distribution networks for understanding risks and tracing contaminant pathways," written by Conrad, W.E. Beyeler and T.J. Brown, appeared in Volume 8 of the 2012 publication.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies and economic competitiveness.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Sandia National Laboratories.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Stephen H. Conrad; Walter E. Beyeler; Theresa J. Brown. The value of utilising stochastic mapping of food distribution networks for understanding risks and tracing contaminant pathways. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (IJCIS), 2012; 8 (2/3) [link]

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Man Dies, Firefighters Hurt in Fire on Alpaca Farm | ...

Posted on: 2:57 pm, September 27, 2012, by Lindsay Buckingham, updated on: 03:02pm, September 27, 2012

Firefighters survey the scene of a fatal house fire in Copley. (Photo Credit: Fox 8 News)

Firefighters survey the scene of a fatal house fire in Copley. (Photo Credit: Fox 8 News)

COPLEY, Ohio ? An unidentified man was killed, and several firefighters were hurt, in a house fire Thursday morning on the grounds of an alpaca farm, Fox 8 News reports.

It happened sometime after 12 p.m. at the Serene Acres farm on Earhart Avenue.

Multiple area fire departments responded to assist Copley fire crews with the blaze.

Fire officials told Fox 8 News that two firefighters were injured when they fell through the floor of the home. Another was hurt as he was carrying the victim to safety.

Fortunately, their injuries were considered to be minor.

The Summit County Medical Examiner?s Office confirmed it was responding to the home, where a man had died.

Further details, including the cause of the fire or the deceased man?s identity, were not immediately released.

The Humane Society and Victim Assistance program are said to be helping other family members at the scene.

Stick with Fox 8 News and for updates on this story as they become available.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Swingers: Mentally Healthier Than Monogamous Peers ...

One of the traits that determines happiness and mental health is flexibility: the capacity for creativity, abstract thinking, and adapting to changing circumstances. When it comes to the sex lives of swingers, there?s no question that they are more flexible in their approach to sex than their monogamous peers. But the real question is more complex: Is flexibility toward sex a good thing or a bad thing?

As a therapist who specializes in relationship issues, I can tell you that I have seen scores of men and women over the years who have varied sexual?lifestyles and appetites. I?ve worked with couples who swing and couples who wouldn't dare, and one distinguishing characteristic I have found is that couples who swing have less fear than monogamous couples. What?s more, they cheat less.

In terms of the fear, monogamous couples often fall into the?toxic?jealousy trap, afraid that a particular behavior or gesture might lead to a full-fledged affair and the end of the relationship. Monogamous couples also often fear that their best days are behind them, that they lost the opportunity for sexual excitement in favor of settling down and getting married. On the other hand,?swinging couples are often deeply in love and emotionally connected, but they don?t value sex in the same way their monogamous peers do.

When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, the dividing line is about the values a given couple holds toward sex. In my clinical work, I find that monogamous couples are often judgmental about a sex life that is anything other than monogamous, while swinging couples often espouse more of a live-and-let-live attitude. In other words, they?re often less judgmental of couples who choose to live a monogamous lifestyle. Is one better? No, because people are different, with different emotional and sexual needs. It makes perfect sense, for example, that someone who isn?t very sexual in the first place wouldn?t care?to have a more liberal sex life: they already don?t have much interest in sex to begin with!

Where problems arise in monogamous relationships is when one or both members of a couple have a?sexual appetite that the relationship isn?t able to satiate. What happens? Couples who are monogamous often stray and seek sex outside of the relationship. The hypocritical part is that many cheaters would never agree to a swinging relationship!

It?s never a therapist?s job to tell a client what kind of lifestyle to live as long as the client isn?t causing harm to himself or anyone else. Even listening to a man tell me about having an affair, it would be out of line for me to tell him to stop it. I would, however, encourage him to tell his wife and come clean about his deceptive behavior. But when it comes to the type of relationship he seeks, it?s not a therapist?s job to prescribe a set of values a client should have and hold onto.

One consideration that any couple should take relates to safety: physical safety if you're having sex with people you don't know, and sexual safety to the point that you make sure to always practice safe sex. A flexible approach to sex is one thing; putting yourself in serious jeopardy is, of course, another.

Ultimately, infidelity is a rampant problem in relationships because men and women are often too afraid to be honest with themselves about what they want, and terrified to make the changes in their relationship that they secretly crave. I?m not suggesting that most monogamous couples secretly want to swing. I am, however, suggesting that men and women often judge those who?swing but could actually learn something about themselves and human nature if they take a moment to reflect on the reasons why others?swingers, included?choose a different lifestyle.

PLUS: Check out my book, Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome, about how to stop repeating the same bad patterns in your relationships over and over again.


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Scanners and CB Radios | Motorsport World News

Scanners and CB Radios

Posted on 27 September 2012 by Susan

Scanners and CB Radios

If you need to listen in on two Way radio communications for any reason then you may need to look into buying a Uniden scanner. The Uniden scanner is able to scan the air waves for two way radio communications going on in the near area.

In the past CB radios used to be a popular items. Teenagers would hook them up in their cars and use them to stay connected to their friends while out on the road. They were the precursor to the car phone which eventually became the cell phone.

Uniden scanners can monitor CB radio communications in the area and allow you to listen in. Today, the majority of what you would hear is the communication between truck drivers.

One way that a lot of people use a scanner is to listen to the radio communication of NASCAR drivers. In fact, if you were to attend a race you would be able to find scanners all over the place at a race track. Fans have them in the stands and team members who do not need to talk to the driver have them to understand what is going on and if they are needed anywhere. They are also used by track officials to listen in on the conversations and to cut off any potential problems at the pass.

Scanners have been used in many circumstances for many years, but they have gotten a lot better over the years. Technology has allowed them to produce a much better quality sound as well as working from a further distance than they ever have.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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Social CRM Company Capillary Technologies Raises $15.5M From Sequoia, Norwest & Qualcomm

capillary-logoCapillary Technologies, a social CRM company that helps retailers engage over mobile, email, social and in-store channels, is announcing the close of $15.5 million in Series A funding led by Sequoia Capital and Norwest?Venture Partners with Qualcomm Ventures also participating in the round. The company, which offers a cloud-based SaaS platform for?customer engagement, clienteling, loyalty and social CRM solutions, currently works with over 100 major brands across 10,000 locations worldwide, and just recently entered the U.S. market. Current customers include?Pizza Hut, Puma, Robinson's, United Colors of Benetton, Mothercare, Store21, Sunglass Hut and Nike.


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Texas judge orders DNA tests in Hemsley death

EL PASO, Texas (AP) ? A Texas judge has ordered DNA testing on a man who claims to be the brother of the late "The Jeffersons" star Sherman Hemsley.

Richard Thornton is challenging the validity of Hemsley's will, which names the actor's longtime manager, Flora Enchinton of El Paso, as sole beneficiary. Hemsley died of lung cancer July 24.

Judge Patricia Chew on Monday rescheduled the El Paso trial on Hemsley's estate to begin Oct. 31.

Thornton, of Philadelphia, sought the DNA testing and must provide results by Oct. 15. Hemsley was born in Philadelphia but had lived in El Paso for the past 20 years.

Court documents indicate Hemsley's estate is worth more than $50,000.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Winner's Gallery: Bret Michaels Pets Rock Apparel from PetSmart ...

You are here: Home / Your Reviews / Winner?s Gallery: Bret Michaels Pets Rock Apparel from PetSmart

My Dog?s Name: Tiki

Giveaway prize my dog won: Bret Michaels Apparel

What my dog thought of the prize: Totally stoked.

-contributed by Lennyg in Middletown, NJ

If you have won a DogTipper giveaway, be sure to take a photo of your pet with the prize and send it to our Winner?s Gallery! You?ll be automatically entered to win a pet prize package at the end of the year!


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Think Coffee Is The Ideal Spot To Drink Coffee If You Watch Korean ...

So apparently, Think Coffee is big in Korea.

The Times blog City Room reported on Friday that Think?s K-fame is due to a 2009 appearance on a Korean TV show called ?Infinite Challenge,? a competition equal parts Amazing Race and Hooked On Phonics.

In the video, several teams of wacky-suited Korean TV personalities are challenged to find the Mercer Street Think from Washington Square Park and then order semi-complicated espresso drinks (double-shot soy latte, anyone?), interrupted by little pronunciation-correcting thought bubbles and an irritatingly smug host who explains that ?think? is pronounced like ?thank you.?

City Room wasn?t sure exactly why Think was IC?s coffee shop of choice, but the show has sent Korean tourists rolling through the cafe en masse.

Just as a Sex and the City tour would be nothing without the requisite trip to Magnolia, South Korean tour groups make it a point to stop at Think. The barista featured on the show, Dave Beck (whose name you might recognize from the password to the shop?s shoddy Wi-Fi), is even riding his TV celebrity and moving to Korea to teach English and perform folk music.

It?s no wonder that Think has left an impression on Koreans: South Korea is in the midst of a coffee boom. A report from KB Financial Group shows that from 2010 to 2011, coffee sales there increased by 59.7%. In the past five years, the number of coffee shops in the country has increased by 887.3% from 1,024 to 12,381 last year and counting. Think was courted to open a branch in Korea after Infinite Challenge aired, which it has since done through a brand called Seoul Food.

For Koreans, coffee culture has come to symbolize an elegant and urbane lifestyle. For instance, the lyrics to the runaway K-Pop hit??Gangnam Style??describe an ideal woman who is a ?classy girl who is good at enjoying free time to get a cup of coffee?, and the narrator boasts that he is ?a man who drinks coffee bottoms up before it cools down.? Psy is employing the archetype of a ?doenjangnyeo,? or ?soy bean paste woman,? a wannabe-sophisticate who eats cheap ramen for lunch and then drops serious cash at Starbucks later in the afternoon.

[Image via]


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SHOW BITS: 'Who won? Who won?'; Zooey's TV nails

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus arrives at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus arrives at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Louis C.K., left, and Amy Poehler present an award onstage at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

Jon Hamm, left and Jennifer Westfeldt arrive at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Sofia Vergara from "Modern Family" arrives at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Actor Bryan Cranston arrives at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Show Bits brings you the 64th annual Primetime Emmy Awards through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.



"I'm a little bit in shock, to tell you the truth." ? Steven Levitan, who won for directing, comedy, for "Modern Family"



Eric Stonestreet was the first Emmy winner of the night, and the first backstage at the trophy table, but the suspense was still killing him.

"Who won? Who won? Who won the next award?" the "Modern Family" star kept asking as he claimed his statuette for best supporting actor in a comedy.

? Sandy Cohen ? Twitter:



Zooey Deschanel played up her "adorkable" persona on the Emmy red carpet with a quirky, sparkly manicure featuring television sets on her thumbnails.

The silver, gold and black accessories were a huge hit on Twitter.

A photo of an (at)ZooeyDeschanel digit was retweeted 964 times and favorite 1,135 times as of this writing. They were the work of nail technician Tom Bachik (at)RedCarpetMan.

Glamour Fashion called it "the mani we've been waiting for!" The "New Girl" star, who was a presenter Sunday night, is famous for her red-carpet nail numbers.

? Christy Lemire on Twitter:



It was life imitating art just off to the side of the red carpet outside the Nokia Theatre entrance as "Mad Men" newbie Ben Feldman caught a smoke.

The resourceful first-time nominee discovered a corner tucked away from the scads of cameras and celebrities that was the perfect spot for a quick pre-show cigarette.

Unfortunately, there weren't any bottles of scotch nearby for him to wash it down with, but just inside the lobby of the Nokia Theatre attendees were lined up at the concession stand for $10 cocktails.

Feldman's "Mad Men" leading man Jon Hamm held court on the other side of the lobby, attracting a line of attendees who wanted a photo with the veteran nominee.

? Derrik J. Lang ? Twitter: .



Moms weren't forgotten on the red carpet.

Rico Rodriguez, young star of "Modern Family," brought his mother as his date, presenting her to the world as "the beautiful ma-ma."

The pair were even featured in a prerecorded bit that tracked their progress in a limo from home to the Emmycast.

And earlier Stephen Colbert, while being interviewed with his wife at his side, took a moment to phone his 91-year-old mom on his cellphone to say hello.

"I've shouted at her 'We're on ABC!'" he told interviewer Josh Elliott.

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter



One Emmy attendee used the red carpet for more than just walking ? he got down on one knee and proposed to his date.

Security initially tried to shoo him off, but saw him reaching into his pocket for a ring and let the moment happen. With throngs of people cheering, he presented the ring and received a kiss, and presumably an answer "Yes," as those nearby applauded the mystery couple.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



With temperatures topping 90 degrees on the Emmy red carpet, the stars were doing everything they could not to let you see them sweat.

"Dancing With the Stars" host Tom Bergeron sucked down a bottle of water as he walked the carpet. Others clutched hand fans and discreetly dabbed their brows as they made their way into the Nokia Theatre.

Ashley Judd of "Missing" went a different route, toting an umbrella as she sashayed between interviews.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



Jimmy Fallon is playing musical chairs at this year's Emmy Awards, in more ways than one.

The 2010 Emmy host, interviewed on the red carpet, noted he has passed hosting duties on to another Jimmy this year, name of Kimmel.

As a result, Fallon said, he doesn't even have a ticket to the 2012 show.

"But Clint Eastwood said he was going to save me a chair," Fallon cracked.

His advice to this year's Jimmy: "Don't make out with Betty White. There's cameras everywhere and you'll get caught. And definitely go to Honey Boo Boo's after-party, cause that's gonna be where it's at."

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter



At the Emmys there's the red carpet and then there's ? well ? the other red carpet.

As the main red carpet fills up, security tries to keep the line moving by directing the big stars down the carpet where cameras are lined up to film them and entertainment journalists are waiting to interview them.

Meantime, the less famous are directed down a parallel red carpet closer to the fan bleachers.

"Please continue walking," security guards continuously say.

Sometimes they'll also give a gentle nudge to someone on the B-list red carpet who lingers too long taking pictures of the folks on the A-List red carpet.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



"It's so warm I thought a nice flannel tux would be appropriate." ? Jesse Tyler Ferguson of "Modern Family" on the Emmy red carpet.



"Jesse Jesse Jesse!" the crowd chants trying to get the attention of "Modern Family" star Jesse Tyler Ferguson. He obliges with several waves to the bleacher crowd.

Before the first stream of stars arrived on the Emmy Red Carpet, a show producer told them to "make everything personal" if they wanted to get their attention.

It may take several chants, but the stars often answer with a wave, a smile or the occasional fist pump.

? Anthony McCartney ?Twitter



Fran and Elmer Armstrong are awards show veterans, joining throngs of fans for at least their sixth Emmy Awards Show on a sweltering Sunday afternoon.

The retired St. Louis couple's quest for a front row seat in the fan bleachers beside the red carpet began when they lined up outside the Nokia Theatre around 7:30 a.m. Sunday. As the day progressed, and temperatures rose, they hung in there, cheering as the cameras from E! Entertainment television filmed pre-show segments.

"Goodbye Giuliana," 70-year-old Elmer Armstrong shouted to anchor Giuliana Rancic as the E Entertainment crew wrapped up.

With temperatures topping 90 degrees, he and his 71-year-old wife were like many in the stands ? trying to keep cool with water and wet paper towels. At least this year's stands are shaded. Elmer Armstrong recalled one year when fans were forced to sit in the blazing sun.

That's not the only change to this year's fan seating ? a tall wall keeps fans from glad-handing or even getting autographs from cooperative celebrities.

Elmer Armstrong remains at the ready, however ? keeping his digital SLR camera and telephoto lens handy to get shots of the stars.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter ?


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Show Bits brings you the 64th annual Primetime Emmy Awards through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.

Associated Press


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X86 Assembly MS DOS int 21h 0x09 wierdness

Hello everyone, I know this is a Linux forum but I was wondering if anyone could tell me why the below code acts oddly with DOS printing function? Program is compiled using NASM with nasm -o test.asm. I am running the program in a command prompt on windows 7 but have also tested it with a win98 boot disk and I get the same result?

Here is the code


 org 100
 bits 16 
 section .data 
 garbage: db "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" 
 message: db "Good message." ,'$'
 section .text
 mov ah, 0x09 
 mov dx, message
 int 21h 
 xor ax, ax 
 int 21h
Here is the output


              ?       ?? ?!1??! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzGood message.


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