Monday, May 28, 2012

A Happy Home

Sally had always dreaded the thought of having to relocate again. The last few years she had moved several times because of her work. It was beginning to become a burden each time she had to pack her life up and start over. The only saving grace in her move was she was using moving pods. That made her move much easier.

Moving was always difficult, but trying to find a new home was just as hard. Generally what she would do at night would be surfing the Internet looking at all of the different options she had as far as new places to live. Sometimes she thought getting a house would be nice, but then she would have to maintain a yard. Other times she thought living and an apartment building would be cool, but she would have so many people around her all the time. These are always things she had to take into consideration.

Right before her move she found a place that seemed perfect. Not only was it cozy but the landlord agreed to see her immediately. Once she arrived to her destination she really liked what she saw. The place seemed perfect for her, and for once she thought she would stay for a while. The landlord was friendly and told her he could have the place available immediately so she would not have to wait.

The night before was always difficult for Sally. Right before she left one house and got ready to move into another she would often reflect about all of the decisions she had made over the years. She was now in her 30s and realized that she had given up everything for her career. She never had a family, and had always made her job number one. That sometimes bothered her, but she always kept pushing forward with her job.

Moving day rapidly approached. The good news is that she was ready to go and so was the moving company. Everything went well, so she was very happy about that.

Driving to her new place felt different this time. She felt like she was going to stay longer than normal. She was hoping this new place would feel like a home to her.

Her landlord could sense that she was very eager to move in. He had her sign a few documents and gave her the keys and was on his way. Sally appreciated that, and sat on her living room floor looking at her new place.

She heard a large truck pull up and realized all of her moving pods were here. A great sense of relief came over her because she knew it was up to her to get her new place made into a home.

I'm a moving expert with a passion for writing about mobile storage. For more information, check out Door to Door.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Tozen union member suing Japan for the correct enrollment in pension and health care.

This comes to me via the Facebook feed.

A member of the Berlitz Japan (Begunto) union, affiliated with Tokyo General Union (Tozen), brought a case against the Japan Pension Service when Berlitz sought to remove the member from the Social Insurance (Shakai Hoken).

If you are a foreigner in Japan who is even lucky enough to get your company to agree to cover you in the Social Insurance, without at least a few uncomfortable seconds when you start your first day of work, you might find along the way that the Japanese have some policy guideline from the year 1980 that allows you to be kicked off (or not covered in the first place) if your hours are not the equivalent the three-quarters of the typical worker in the establishment.

Is that the law? No. It is a guideline that someone wrote in 1980. That someone is probably long into retirement, maybe even has gone to his or her (likely his) heavenly reward.

But the Japanese still trot this policy guideline out?especially against foreigners.

It?s surprising, but it is indeed high time that someone actually sued about that. A 32-year-old policy guideline that the contemporary Japan Pension Service is honoring simply because they?ve been able to pull it out and use it for so many years so far.

The Japan Pension Service, as you know, is the successor to the scandal-ridden Social Insurance Agency that had lost so many pension records of Japanese during the bubble years. They are still working to get the records straight, although I will tell you that mine are 100% correct, as someone who got there, and went in, in 2005. (My thing is more the labor and employment laws that tend to be overlooked.)

I hope that the Berlitz employee succeeds, because then there would actually be a case showing that the 1980 guideline is hogwash, and that anyone who is employed by a covered employer is supposed to be enrolled in the Social Insurance. It clears up a lot of headaches, and also honors the totalization agreement that we Americans have with the Japanese.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Taxes Finance Guidance ? For Adults | Honest Reviews Online

Yep, taxes must be paid on online income. If you have heard otherwise, then it is misinformation. No, the Internal Revenue Service will know about everything that you do. If the IRS thinks that you are indicating your correct amount of income, then they will audit you. But, do not get stressed about this. If you do not lie about your income and expenses, then you should be fine. Also, this will mean that you have to pay the correct income tax annually. You might feel stressed out about all of this, but don?t be. These suggestions can help you with your taxes.

If you are making your earning due to Internet Marketing, you will need to figure that about thirty percent of the total will be due to the IRS. Obviously, the figure will change as your earnings do. This is a viable way to make sure that the thirty percent will be there when it is due. You have choices, you can hold it for a balloon payment when you file your taxes, or the IRS will gladly take estimated tax payments throughout the year. This is the way you will reduce the amount that you owe at the end of the year by quite a lot. You may get lucky and get money back if you overpaid! Save every single bill you get. It does not matter what type of bill it might be. Just hold on to your bills. If you work out of your home, many of these things can be deducted. But, you might not be able to claim the full amount on your taxes. If you surf the internet on your own, then you should think about not taking this as a deduction. Get in touch with the IRS and see which bills are actually tax deductible.

If you want to do everything yourself, make sure that you start learning early in the year. When you file your taxes as an Internet Marketer, the IRS will consider you a freelancer; unfortunately you will be up against some stringent tax laws and you will be unable to use the old 1040EZ form you did when you had an employer. This will entail a variety of intricate elements consisting of forms with detailed schedules and rules you will need to adhere to. The sooner you start reading and asking questions the less likely you are going to be to make mistakes later on.

There are tons of ways to make your tax liabilities less overwhelming. You may have always had an unsettling feeling when it comes to your taxes; this should not be a problem ever again. Your tax preparation should be a breeze for you or your bookkeeper to take care of with a bit of checking and a little exploration. You will be surprised how easy it can be, so get with it!

Visit my site for up to date advice now: ACD &

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Deleted Scenes: Pacific coasts in line for?solar eclipse

Moon will block sun, almost, for four minutes on Sunday

Web edition : 2:25 pm

Black Hole Sun

Look down late Sunday afternoon, and you might notice that shadows littering the ground seem different ? perhaps they?re a bit more curvy, a bit more ringlike?

That?s because the moon will slip in front of the sun on May 20, eclipsing most of the star?s disk but leaving the glowing edges uncovered, an event called an annular eclipse. During such an eclipse, the sun can resemble a ring of fire in the sky with a big black hole at its center.

But don?t look at it without proper filters, even when the eclipse is at its most complete. No sense in permanently recording the image in the form of eye damage.

Viewers along the Pacific coasts from southeast Asia to California will be in a prime spot to witness this celestial game of hide-and-seek, which begins around 5:30 p.m., Pacific time. Over the next hour, the sun will slowly slide behind the moon, which is near its farthest point from Earth (that?s why the lunar footprint isn?t big enough to block the entire sun).

Then, around 6:30 p.m., those in the ?path of annularity? ? the roughly 200-mile-wide strip where the black hole sun will appear and cast its crescent shadows ? will have about four minutes to use their favorite solar viewing equipment to glimpse the eclipse at its fullest. Or to admire oddly shaped shadows. The path of annularity crosses the United States in a swath that runs from northernmost California to western Texas.

Those of you on the U.S. East Coast are out of luck, as the sun will have already plunged below the horizon. Bummerdang.

But never fear: the SLOOH Space Camera is here and will be broadcasting the eclipse live, from telescope feeds in the United States and Japan.

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